Cultural Diversity Training Services
Different ≠ Wrong1 (Cultural Diversity Sensitivity, 16 hours)
This non-confrontational Training is designed to help the participants improve their current behavior and attitudes about themselves and their diverse environments.
The Training will cover several training skills that will provide and reinforce cross-cultural conflict resolution skills. These skills will be interwoven into the fabric of the workshop so that all the skills will interact with one another. For example, a conflict resolution activity may use a racial conflict as the situation/problem to be solved. Thus, the participants are practicing diversity sensitivity skills and conflict resolution skills at the same time. A brief outline of the skills taught in this training is below:
Learn, understand, and control your own biases
Include foundational skills in cross-cultural conflict resolution
Discuss the many cultures within social settings, your organization, and society
Encourage cultural sensitivity.
Examine the ramifications of unfair treatment and stereotypes.
Provide pre- and post-workshop assessments
Discuss the Tolerance of Difference Test and the Implicit Attitude Test (IAT).
Discuss the NHPD’s public image.
As previously stated, the ‘differences’ addressed in the Training and the Tolerance of Difference Test will include attitudes toward the following:
Race, class, and culture
Sexual preference
Age (youth and seniors)
As well as attitudes toward:
Substance addiction
Cultural diversity is of such importance that it will be interwoven throughout the fabric of the other Trainings. We continually emphasize that we all should learn to see differences as just that, different and not as wrong.
Training Process
This training will encourage positive individual development by use of three essential components: skills and theories development, opportunities to practice these, and rewards to reinforce use of them.
Skills and Theories: The skills-sets include cultural diversity, mediation, conflict resolution, critical thinking, situation/problem-solving[1], communication, planning and organizing, and public speaking. These skill-sets are necessary to be an effective conflict resolver.
Practice: The practice reinforces the skills with visuals, small work groups, role-plays, brainteasers, and laughter.
Rewards: Certificates of Completion, public approvals from trainers and classmates, and self-pride about these accomplishments.